Starting a job search after graduation, especially during COVID is new for all of us. Breaking into your new profession or finding that dream job takes patience and determination. Here are a few ideas to get started:
Identify Your Strengths & Highlight
It is important that you quantify or highlight achievements on your resume as you start to apply for jobs. When starting a new career, you might have limited or no experience, that is ok and should be expected from hiring mangers.
In this case, identify your transferable skills such as customer service, attention to detail, accuracy, relationship building, follow up, sales etc. These are “soft skills” but hold a lot of value for a lot of different types of positions and industries.
Other items to highlight are volunteer work, school or sport leadership roles, research or internships.
Update Your LinkedIn Profile
Update your resume on LinkedIn, make sure it’s up to date, and let your network know that you are “seeking opportunities”. You may have a contact refer a new job opportunity to you, that you that you would not have otherwise been aware of.
Also, did you know recruiters and hiring managers can see your profile and that you are listed as looking for work? This will give them added incentive to contact you.
Create a list of companies you would like to work for
A lot of jobs are found through referrals or networking. Don’t be shy to tell friends or colleagues that you are seeking a career opportunity. Visit job boards, websites and industry associations. Dig deep into industries that you are interested in working in, and call companies to set up information meetings to learn about jobs. The more proactive you are, the more seen you become. It is much easier to think of you for a job opportunity if they have your information on file already. Even easier if you’ve already met!
Stay Focused
Start well before graduation when thinking about jobs, but don’t get discouraged if you missed certain events or opportunities. Keep yourself motivated, on track and focused while being patient and open-minded. This might mean that you try to schedule a meet and great on your own instead of having attended a job fair. Maybe this means you call and hiring manager to simply introduce yourself and learn about what they might be looking for in the future. The goal is to stay top of mind for companies, because they could have a need at any moment.
Stay Positive
Keep a positive mindset through the job search and interview process, and do your best to no become discouraged. Stay positive during this time and take care of your mental, emotional and physical health. These all count towards the confidence you will exude during the hiring process. We know, as recruiters, that it can be daunting to go through the different parts of the process, so know that you are not alone.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or for assistance
The HR Insider, how to land your dream job, and keep it is also a great resources for all stages of the job search process!
We wish you so much success!