Now that I’ve been working from home, I’ve been taking advantage of the extra downtime by doing things I normally wouldn’t have time to do. One of the things I’ve been enjoying is listening to podcasts – it’s something I’ve always wanted to get into but never get around to.
Whether it’s educational podcasts, crime/mystery podcasts (my personal favourite category!), or lifestyle podcasts, there’s something for every mood I’m in. Below are the five podcasts that are currently on my Spotify rotation:
Optimal Finance Daily
I’ve always felt finance was a daunting subject, so I kept putting off learning about. But now that I’m stuck at home 24 hours a day, there’s no excuse for me to procrastinate. This podcast is great because each episode is about 10 minutes long and gives very digestible and accessible information. Topics range from “Should I buy or rent my home” to “Preparing for financial emergencies or unexpected expenses.” They put out a new episode daily, so there is always something new to learn about!
The Savvy Psychologist’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Mental Health (@quickdirtytips)
This is an all-time favourite podcast of mine because it applies psychology to all areas of life and covers a diverse range of topics. I am a bit of a psychology nerd (I majored in it in university, after all!) so I love listening to how psychology affects daily life. The episodes are highly accessible, and topics range from “How to stay calm during the coronavirus crisis” to “How to overcome your fear of driving.”
Girls Gotta Eat (@girlsgottaeatpodcast)
This is the type of podcast that is equivalent to trashy reality shows. If you like “Love is Blind” or “The Bachelor,” this is the podcast for you. This is a great podcast to have on if you are feeling lonely or isolated because the hosts make it seem like you are a part of one big slumber party. The podcast is mainly focused on love and relationships, but they tackle the topic in a very comical and relatable manner.
TED Talks Daily (@ted)
I love this podcast for when I’m not sure what to listen to, because they cover such a wide range of topics. Every episode is presented by a different speaker who specializes in a specific field. Topics can range from discussing artificial intelligence to healthy eating habits to racial tensions in America – there is truly an episode for every topic out there.
My Favorite Murder (@myfavoritemurder)
I’ve also been fascinated with crime and mystery and this podcast presents criminal cases in a light-hearted way (in fact, the podcast is under the “comedy” section on Spotify!). Each episode is about 40 minutes long, so I love having this play in the background while I am cleaning or organizing.
I’m curious to know what podcasts you are currently into right now! Please share in the comments below 😊