Congratulations on starting a new job! With your job search ending, you can now file away those resumes and emails to recruiters and employment agencies. Beginning a new job is both exciting and stressful for everyone. Making a good impression, doing a great job, and being successful as you start the next step in your career is what we can speak about.
Here are tips for the first few days starting a new job:
Things To Do:
- Be an active listener and soak in the culture of your new work environment.
- Introduce yourself to co-workers to show that you are interested and don’t be shy. It might be easier to think of a one liner introduction to do this. Brand yourself with a positive and professional introduction.
- Ask questions as you learn. You aren’t expected to know everything right away so don’t be afraid to clarify things as you learn the new processes and procedures.
- Take notes so that you can refer back to the things you are learning and write down less urgent questions that can be discussed later.
- Make notes of people’s names that you are meeting to remind yourself later.
- Take the initiative to join a committee or volunteer your time on internal or external events. Show that you are interested and will be a long-term employee.
- Watch your co-workers and supervisors to learn who can be your mentor. Introduce yourself and plan coffee.
- Check in with your boss or supervisor to confirm that you are progressing as expected. Use this time to ask the questions you have been keeping track of.
Things Not To Do:
- Don’t over commit as you will be in the learning phase at work for at least six months of
our new job. Stay calm and organized.
- Don’t be a “know it all”. If you have a great idea that can be implemented ask first “Have you tried this…” Until you have gained trust and respect don’t come on too strong. Prove that you know your job and that you do a great work.
- Don’t speak negatively of prior bosses or companies. Stay professional and mind your business. Stay out of gossip, and groups. It is a good idea to stay neutral if conversations turn to gossip, religion, or politics.
- Don’t be late or call in sick. During the probation period it is essential that you prove yourself to be committed and reliable. Arrive a few minutes early each day and stay a little longer than your shift to be organized and make a good first impression.
This being said, we are excited for you to be starting a new job and wish you success!
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