Interested in learning more about what we do as Recruitment Professionals?
Recruitment is defined as the process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs (perm or temp) within an organization.
Advertising vacancies.
Conducting job interviews.
Performing background checks.
Reviewing application documents and credentials.
To a recruiter, Recruitment also involves showing a person why they should be interested in a job opportunity. This happens by staying on top of advertising job opportunities and building trusting relationships with employees. A person may not even be looking for a new job until recruiter tells them about a new job opportunity.
The first step in recruitment involves analyzing the job to identify the knowledge, skills and characteristics required for the position.
The second step is the process of attracting and screening candidates for the job. This involves internal and external advertising as well as using recruitment agencies and their networks and experience.
What are the challenges of recruitment:
- Shortage of qualified employees
- Competition or other job opportunities when hiring staff for top candidates
- Salaries and benefits are increasing to keep top staff
- Increased time to recruit good staff
Effective recruiting involves the following practices to assist companies hire top employees:
- short listing employees with proper alignment of skill sets to organizational goals
- ensuring effective and efficient recruiting by utilizing systems and processes
- ensuring compliance with policies, practices and employment standards
Examples of this are equal-opportunity employment, non-discrimination and anti-bullying.
Reasons to use a Recruitment Firm
- Expertise and experience
- To save time and money
- Added resources as some companies do not have HR and recruitment departments
- Access to the hidden job market (recruiters often have active job boards and campaigns
We love what we do, and we love sharing our passion with our candidates and our clients!
Interested in learning more about our services and systems?
Please feel free to call or email our office to discuss this further.