Your work isn’t over when you don’t get the job. Be sure to check these things off the list!
As the interview process continues along if you find that you are not short listed or receive notification that the company is not hiring you, take the time to respond. As long as you are interviewing and considering opportunities you are furthering yourself.
Some reasons you may not be able to control such as years of experience, companies may have already decided who they are hiring before you apply, the latest education etc
Here is a list of suggestions for further consideration for future opportunities
- Always Respond – Take the time to send a quick email thanking for being considered. An email will allow you to ask to keep the door open to be considered for future job opportunities with this company or other positions that they may hear about.
- Ask for Feedback – If you’ve gotten through a few rounds of interviews, the interview team has probably gotten a chance to know you well—so there is no harm in asking for feedback at the end of your follow-up email. There is a chance that they won’t provide feedback—because it might be seen as a liability or they’re short on time—but, if they do, it may be helpful as you move forward with your job search.
- Reflect on What Happened – Maybe the interview didn’t go as well as you hoped, take the time to reflect and learn. This will allow you to make a game plan and avoid making the same mistake in the future. Think of it as a learning opportunity that will transform you into an even better candidate the next time around.
- Recognize When It’s Not a Good Fit – Sometimes it’s not about you or anything you could have done differently. One thing I learned from hiring people is that there are so many great candidates and there are also a lot of behind-the-scenes decisions that go into each hire. Sometimes the decision to not hire you truly has nothing to do with you. Chalk it up to job hunting experience and go after the next company on your dream job list.
- Let It Go – Don’t be hard on yourself, move on to the next job opportunity, and realize that the hiring process often takes time.
There is no doubt about it—the job search can be very stressful. Stay positive, take care of yourself, focus on continually learning and improving, and remember: You don’t want every job – only the best job.